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What is the LARGEST number that still rounds to 154?

A 154.23

Step 1: Remember Your Rounding Rules
1. Underline the place value you are rounding to.
2. Look to the right of the number you have underlined.
3. If you see a 5-9, the underlined digit goes up by 1.
4. If you see a 0-4, the underlined digit stays the same.
5. Anything to the right of the underlined digit turns to 0.
6. Anything to the left of the underlined digit usually stays the same (unless a 9 was rounded up)
Step 2: Check Out Each Answer Choice To Determine Which Was Rounded Correctly and is the largest number
Answer choice: 153.62
Underline 3 to round the number to the nearest whole number.
Since the number to the right of 3 is 6, 3 goes up to 4. Any number to the right of 4 turns to 0 and any number to the left stays the same.
153.62 does round to 154 but must be compared to the other answer choices to see if it is the largest number that rounds to 154.
Answer choice: 154.52
Underline 4 to round the number to the nearest whole number.
Since the number to the right of 4 is 5, 4 goes up to 5. Any number to the right of 5 turns to 0 and any number to the left stays the same.
To the nearest whole number, 154.52 rounds to 155, not 154 so, this answer choice is not correct.
Answer choice: 153.61
Underline 3 to round the number to the nearest whole number.
Since the number to the right of 3 is 6, 3 goes up to 4. Any number to the right of 4 turns to 0 and any number to the left stays the same.
153.61 does round to 154 but must be compared to the other answer choices to see if it is the largest number that rounds to 154.
Answer choice: 154.23
Underline 4 to round the number to the nearest whole number.
Since the number to the right of 4 is 2, 4 stays the same. Any number to the right of 4 turns to 0 and any number to the left stays the same.
154.23 does round to 154 but must be compared to the other answer choices to see if it is the largest number that rounds to 154.
Step 3: Compare the numbers in the answer choices that round to 154 to see which is the largest.
Comparing answers, we have 153.62 < 153.61< 154.23 – Therefore, 154.23 is the correct answer.

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Synthia Murat

2 years ago

It's very great and some q's were on the teas test, but don't just used that study material. I would recommend instead of watching tiktok used this for studying/reviews. Remember God Loves you and bless you with a brain. Use it and you got this.

Mindy Koh

2 years ago

Helped a lot!!

Ruth Chika

1 year ago

splendid. throughly great

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